
  • Get People To Say YES!

    Mario tackles the common issue of overburdening people with requests for their time. He introduces a more straightforward strategy designed to secure more meetings and boost your chances of getting […]

  • You should have a Podcast!

    REGISTER FOR MY FREE EVENT: https://getsponsorshipmoney.com/podcaster/ Podcast Show Notes: Explosive growth! Women represent over 30% of new podcast listeners monthly. Research Data: Relying on data from Cumulus Media. Podcasting still […]

  • Your Invisible Trait will get you noticed!

    PODCAST LISTENER SURVEY: https://forms.gle/wcxrFUzy13iZr5iLA In this episode of “Wake Up and Level Up,” we’re going to talk about something powerful – your invisible trait. Yes, everyone has one, including you! […]

  • Summary of my talk at the Podcast Summit

    PODCAST LISTENER SURVEY: https://forms.gle/wcxrFUzy13iZr5iLA Learn more: www.GetSponsorshipMoney.com DM me the word “book” in IG and get my free workbook The Podcast Summit was packed with hundreds of podcasters, learning, sharing, […]

  • Get the YES from anyone!

    PODCAST LISTENER SURVEY: https://forms.gle/wcxrFUzy13iZr5iLA In this episode, we discuss the challenge of capturing people’s attention and how to effectively reach your desired audience. We introduce a proven formula to secure […]

  • 3 Things Entrepreneurs Do Wrong! Avoid these!

    Welcome to “Wake Up and Level Up,” a brief and inspiring podcast designed to jumpstart your day. In under three minutes, we provide tactical advice to give you direction and […]


    Mario talks about the new app, Threads! It is a new text-based social messaging app from Meta (formerly known as Facebook) with over 100 million users within a few days […]

  • Win the last 6 months of 2023!

    I NEED YOUR HELP. Take the Podcast listener survey: https://forms.gle/UbGidQABAMMPyw4e8 Today we are diving into a subject that will make you rethink the value of your time. With an average […]

  • Sleeping in same bed, dreaming different dreams!

    IMPORTANT NOTE FOR YOU: Please answer my listener survey, it will only take you 90 seconds to do and its critical for our planning: https://forms.gle/kyGZ18No44vFSkTW8 In this episode, Mario Armstrong explores a […]

  • Freedom of Trial and Error

    In today’s episode, we’re diving into the exciting and transformative power of experimentation. Your guide, Mario Armstrong, shares his personal journey of experimentation through a new roundtable show concept, mirroring […]